Facade of a stone church with arched stainmed glass windows

Search Results

Total 143 results found.

First Parish History

Did you know that the 325-year history of First Parish is very closely linked to the history and founding of the town of Weston? Read on to learn more about a history that spans over three centuries: the founding of…

Warming Up to a New Ethic

Warming Up to a New Ethic A sermon by the Rev. Jeffrey Barz-Snell   The First Parish Church in Weston Unitarian Universalist October 14, 2018 The 21st Sunday after Pentecost / Blessing of the Animals   THE FIRST PARISH CHURCH…

Children’s Programs (K-8th)

Our program for children & youth consists of four age ranges:  Nursery care (birth to pre-K), Elementary Church School (K – 5th grade),  Middle School/Junior Youth Group (6th – 8th grade), and our High School Youth Group (Click here to…

Our Partner Church – 450th Anniversary

First Parish Church in Weston has been a long supporter of the Partner Church movement, in which a UU church here in the United States is paired with a Unitarian church in another part of the world, most often in…

Self-Guided Tour

Welcome to the First Parish Self-Guided Tour! This page has been optimized for viewing on both a desktop browser and a smartphone; click or tap on the station title to open that section of the tour. Click or tap the…

As Jesus Taught Us to Pray

As Jesus Taught Us to Pray A sermon by the Rev. Jeffrey Barz-Snell   The First Parish Church in Weston Unitarian Universalist September 23, 2018 / The 18th Sunday after Pentecost / 14th of Tishrei, 5779   THE FIRST PARISH…

Music Director Bill Sano to Retire in June

A letter from Jeff Barz-Snell:  This week I must announce that a major and beloved chapter is coming to a close here at First Parish Church: Bill Sano has announced he will be stepping down as Music Director in June.…

Bowl Ponderings

At times it amazes me that the biggest annual sporting event in our country involves two teams of 11 men donning helmets and plastic armor.  Dressed as colorful gladiators each team attempts to move by force and wits an odd-shaped…

Connecting with International Institute of New England (IINE)

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEW ENGLAND (IINE) Established in 1918, the International Institute of New England (IINE) is one of the oldest and largest resettlement agencies in New England with sites in Lowell, Boston, and Manchester, NH. It has strong ties…

Covid-19 Policies

Statement as of January 2023: We are a church; a faith community. Because of our population, which has a relatively high proportion of at-risk people compared with the rest of the population, and because of our level of concern for…

Meditation & Spiritual Practices

What we are is God’s gift to us.  What we become is our gift to God. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ ~ ~ Faith and spirituality are not just about attending church on Sunday mornings (or tuning in on Zoom);…

Anti-Racism & Black Lives Matter Resources

References & Resources These are some resources that the First Parish Social Justice Task Force has collected on various topics including Black Lives Matter, diversity, and anti-racism. Read a couple of articles or watch a quick video, or dive deeper…

High School Programs

9th – 10th Grade: Coming of Age (Covenanting) As our youth turn the corner to adolescence, we invite them to participate in Covenanting Class, our very popular coming-of-age program. Covenanting is intended to help young people think and speak about…

Your Children’s First Visit

At First Parish, we offer childcare and programming for all ages from birth until high school graduation. On Sunday mornings, babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are cared for in our professionally staffed nursery. Children in grades K-12 participate in the religious…

Make every day Earth Day!

Celebrate Earth Day all month long! Enjoy these local events and programs about nature, the environment, and sustainability. First Parish events are marked in blue. Art Exhibit by Shared Habitat Earth (S.H.E.) Weston Public Library – 87 School Street, Weston…

Hate Has No Home Here

Hate Has No Home in Weston First Parish supports the message of the Hate Has No Home Here movement; to post these lawn signs and posters “to declare neighborhood residences, businesses, and places of community free from hate speech and…

Christmas at First Parish

  An international pandemic could not extinguish the magic of Christmas, and although our traditions may not be what they once were, we are incredibly grateful for any opportunity to safely gather together. Whether indoors or outdoors, each year we…

Worship – Orders of Service

If you are viewing a worship service that has already passed and a link to the Order of Service is not available here, please contact our Church Office at Info@FirstParishWeston.org to request the PDF. Summer Orders of Service September 15, 2024 …

Why I Go to Church

  Why I Go to Church A sermon by the Rev. Jeffrey Barz-Snell The First Parish Church in Weston Unitarian Universalist September 09, 2018 The 18th Sunday after Pentecost / Homecoming Sunday   THE FIRST PARISH CHURCH IN WESTON Unitarian…

Your First Visit

WELCOME TO FIRST PARISH WESTON We foster open hearts and minds and welcome people from different backgrounds and perspectives. As a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we practice a free-thinking and action-oriented faith. As an over 320-year old…

New Exhibit – the Work of Mary Jo Rines

The  First Parish Church in Weston Art Committee announces a new exhibit in the Mary Jo Rines Gallery: Seeing Things Anew – The Work of Mary Jo Rines The Mary Jo Rines Gallery at First Parish was named for its…

Join us this Christmas season!

There is so much going on at First Parish this month! Here is a schedule of our upcoming events, and links to pages with more information; be sure you subscribe to our weekly newsletter for timely updates. You are warmly…

Supporting Refugee Resettlement

Come, you who are blessed… for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…    (Mt. 25:34-35) With violence and unrest in Ukraine, Africa, Afghanistan, Syria,…

Congregational Life

Programs That Help Us Connect, Grow, and Serve Learn more about how to get involved at First Parish to connect with one another, grow your mind and spirit, and serve your community. First Parish is a self-governing church, which means…

Black Lives Matter – Join the Dialogue

Why We Display a “Black Lives Matter” Banner First Parish Church in Weston November 2020 Statement As our country faces the painful consequences of its history of systemic racism recently ignited by the deaths of African Americans by law enforcement,…

Variations on a Prayer

Versions of the Lord’s Prayer for the fall of 2024: We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. ~ T.S.…

Art Gallery Test

This is an experiment with recreating versions of the Rines Art Gallery website using WordPress. In particular, the first section is a variation of the home/landing page, and the second section recreates an artist’s page (using Mary Jo Rines’ page…

Ten Days of Gratitude – DAY 2

— DAY 2: PEOPLE WHO INSPIRE US — We give thanks for the people who inspire us. We are grateful for those people in our lives whose words and deeds serve a prophetic purpose, calling us to be our best…

Weston Resettle Together

In 2023, a team of fifteen First Parishioners and local residents known as Weston Resettle Together began partnering with the International Institute of New England (IINE) and making preparations to support an immigrant family. Our team has collected furnishings and…

On Ukraine and finding ways to help

Sometimes our humanity is brought out by times of extremity.  That appears to be the case right now all over Europe and all over the world.  For example, the BBC had a report yesterday about the organized effort by people…

2025 Stewardship Campaign

Why do we need your support? The last several years have presented many challenges and changed some of the ways that we gather and connect as parishioners at First Parish. Jeff and team have stayed active and continued to bring new…

Family Service & Supper

Are you and your family feeling frazzled, or like you need to hit a “reset” button? Are you looking for ways to connect to a sense of peace and hope? How would it feel to unplug on Sunday night and…

Melissa Greenlaw

I was glad that Tom asked me to share my spiritual journey with you this morning. As there are many things about 1st Parish Weston that I’m thankful to have in my life. I feel blessed to have found this…

Sue Newbury

I grew up in Wellesley and went to St. Andrews Episcopal Church where my parents, especially my Dad, were very involved. I loved our ministers and I loved singing in the youth choir. It was a big deal to get…

Community Service

Building on a legacy of nearly 325 years, First Parish Church is an active part of the Town of Weston and of Boston’s Metro-West area. Our ongoing commitment to community service is a core part of our congregation’s culture and…

Music & Choir

Music is a very important element of Sunday Service, more so than at many churches. Our full choir and dynamic organ lead us with hymns and provide interludes as we transition through the many areas of our Order of Service.…

Summer at First Parish

Wondering about worship, regular programs, or office hours? Read on for more information! Worship First Parish will NOT have worship during the month of July. Sunday Services resume August 4th at 10:30 am and will feature various guest preachers. There…

About First Parish

We are a progressive, family-friendly Unitarian Universalist Christian church, gathered in 1698 and rooted in the Biblical tradition as we look to the future with a progressive vision of hope and love. First Parish gathers as a community to connect…

Join us this Christmas season!

There is so much going on at First Parish this month! Here is a schedule of our upcoming events, and links to pages with more information; be sure you subscribe to our weekly newsletter for timely updates. You are warmly…

Hey what’s with the sign on the front lawn?

Last month was the hottest month around the world since modern measurements began. Wildfires are burning at never before seen levels in Canada, portions of Europe and Asia, and now even Hawaii! The water temperatures off the coast of Florida…

Hey, what’s with the Lawn Sign?

Last month was the hottest month around the world since modern measurements began. Wildfires are burning at never before seen levels in Canada, portions of Europe and Asia, and now even Hawaii! The water temperatures off the coast of Florida…

Thursday Night Live!

Thursday Night Live! Thursdays, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM on the First Parish Playground Every Thursday this summer, starting June 22nd — THIS week! Are you looking for some laid-back gatherings to fill your summer social calendar Do your little…

Bristol Lodge Suppers

First Parish has a longstanding tradition of service in the larger community; for nearly four decades our congregation has supported the Middlesex Human Services Agency’s nightly meals at their Bristol Lodge soup kitchen in Waltham. Bristol Lodge Supper Fourth Wednesday…