Each year we gather to enjoy the gift of a nurturing spiritual community, to experience the magic of the season, and to reconnect with that ancient story of wonder and hope.
Join us for our many events and worship services during this Christmas Season!
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Public Health & Safety Reminders
Although the official state of emergency is over, flu, cold, and Covid season is not. We encourage folks to use common sense — stay home if you are sick or not feeling well, wear a mask if you are unsure or still showing symptoms, and respect others’ wishes for physical distance, restricted contact, or masking.
Right now we are fully in person, and hybrid for many events. First Parish does not enforce specific restrictions, but we continue to follow “best practices” for public health, including air ionization/filtration and fresh air exchanges (open doors/windows). We do these things not to “ruin” anyone’s experience, but to ensure that we ALL may celebrate a happy and healthy holiday season. Be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for event and policy updates.
Most importantly, we encourage you to offer kindness & compassion to everyone, and to assume good intentions. Rumor has it that long, long ago there was a really wise teacher who talked about loving your neighbor even if you disagreed with them (about masks, politics, or anything else). Stick around – it just so happens we’re celebrating his birthday this month.
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24th
~ a Traditional Service of Lessons & Carols ~
4:00 pm –and– 6:00 pm
We will have a traditional Service of Lessons and Carols, including beautiful carols, songs, a Christmas message, and concluding with singing Silent Night and then Joy to the World. Come celebrate the magic of Christmas, remember the birth of Jesus, and welcome the renewal of love and hope in our lives!
O Come, all ye singers! The First Parish Family Choir is making a joyful and triumphant return once again!We will have a brief rehearsal prior to each of the services in the parlor, at 3:30PM and 5:30PM, and will sing two anthems during the service. Please reach out to TJ Rufo-Curran with questions.
Public Health protocols for the services may include keeping doors cracked OPEN to increase airflow from the outdoors, and we encourage folks to plan for cooler temperatures (wear a warm sweater, keep your coat with you, etc.).
— Space is limited & Reservations are Required! —
Registration URLs: https://FPCW-Christmas2024-4pm.eventbrite.com & https://FPCW-Christmas2024-6pm.eventbrite.com. If you are having problems registering online, you can make a reservation by contacting the Church Office at 781-893-7798 or info@FirstParishWeston.org.
Missed out on Reservations for the 4:00 PM Service?
Concerned about Covid?
Fear not! We will be streaming our 4:00 PM service live on Zoom.
Click the button below to join.
Direct URL – https://uuma.zoom.us/j/95932010922
Church School Christmas Pageant!
Sunday, December 15th
Join us for our fun, fabulous, and festive Church School Christmas Pageant! On Sunday, December 15th our children and youth will re-enact the story of Christmas. In addition to rehearsals during church school, there will be a rehearsal after church on Sunday, December 8th, and a FULL run-through before the service on December 15th. Rehearsal schedule can also be found on the Pageant event listing on our calendar.
If your child(ren) would like to participate or if you have any questions about the First Parish Christmas Pageant (including the rehearsal schedule!), contact Sarah at SarahNapoline@FirstParishWeston.org. We look forward to sharing this endearing and wholesome holiday tradition with everyone.
Rehearsal Schedule:
- November 24th & December 1st
- 10:30 AM – during Church School — reviewing roles & script read-through
- December 8th
- 10:30 AM – during Church School
- 11:30 AM (after worship) — Blocking & Rehearsal
- December 15th
- 9:15 AM — FULL run-through with costumes
- 10:30 AM — our Christmas Pageant Service!

Upcoming Sunday Services
- Sunday, December 8th – All-Music Sunday
Join us for All-Music Sunday at First Parish Church, featuring our Choir singing extended selections of classical music. - Sunday, December 17th – Christmas Pageant
You don’t want to miss our annual Christmas Pageant during this special service! This is the 3rd Sunday in Advent with the theme of Joy; the traditional liturgical color is pink, so everyone is invited to wear something pink to church. - Sunday, December 22nd – a Quiet Christmas
Join us for a special Yuletide worship service honoring the darkness at this time of year. - Sunday, December 29th – New Year’s Service
Ring in the new year and turn a page in the book of life! Join us for a service about setting intentions, manifesting joy, and letting go.
Upcoming Holiday Events
- Friday, December 6th – Family Cookie Decorating and First Parish Christmas Party!
- Join us for an evening of appetizers, ham, desserts, wine & soft drinks, and plenty of Christmas cheer!
- Childcare for very young children will be available from 6:00-8:30pm. Family cookie decorating will take place from 6:00-6:30 pm in the Parish Hall, followed by pizza and a movie for the children and the reception for adults.
- At 8:00, everyone will gather together in the Sanctuary to sing their favorite carols. A fire pit will be going outdoors for anyone who’d like to prolong the festivities after the caroling!
Make a Difference this Holiday Season!
First Parish has a long history and deep & passionate commitment to giving back to our community, including volunteering, service projects, and charitable giving. Visit our “Make a Difference” page for information about projects and opportunities to give back during the holidays.