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Sunday Service – Christmas Pageant!
- Date: Sunday, December 15, 2024
- Time: 10:30am–12:00pm
We’re excited to support our children and youth as they share this special pageant and re-enact the story of Christmas. Join us for our fourth week in Advent with the theme of Love.
If your child(ren) would like to participate (or if you have any questions about the First Parish Christmas Pageant), contact Sarah at SarahNapoline@FirstParishWeston.org! We look forward to sharing this endearing and wholesome holiday tradition with everyone.
Rehearsal Schedule:
- November 24th & December 1st
- 10:30 AM – during Church School — casting roles & assigning costumes
- December 8th
- 10:30 AM – during Church School
- 11:30 AM (after worship) — Blocking & Rehearsal
- December 15th
- 9:15 AM — FULL run-through with costumes
- 10:30 AM — our Christmas Pageant Service!
Join us in person or via Zoom for our Sunday morning worship services. Childcare for the very young, programming for elementary, middle, and high school students, and our Fellowship Hour after church are also important elements of our Sunday schedule.
Meeting ID: 9497 3561 172