Detail of church exterior showing stones and windows


STAY HOME… but join us for church!

We have canceled our in-person service for tomorrow morning.
In the interest of keeping everyone safe and warm, we will be entirely virtual.


Join us on Zoom for our
Fellowship Hour & Budget Hearing


Here is our revised schedule for Sunday, Jan 30:

10:30 AM – Pick Your Own Worship Adventure

Stream a portion of one of our pre-recorded services on Vimeo.
We recommend this terrific flute solo by Mary Menino and a good sermon by Jeff Barz-Snell from last January, which you can start by clicking here.

11:00 AM – Fellowship Hour and Meet & Greet

Join us for a special extended Fellowship Hour and wintertime “Meet & Greet” on Zoom. Found by clicking here.

11:30 AM – Annual Budget Hearing

The Annual Budget Hearing for 2022. Materials for the meeting can be found at our website under “Annual Meeting”. The Zoom link is the same as the Fellowship Hour above and can be accessed by clicking here.