First Parish members are engaged citizens and activists, and we are involved with many different community organizations and projects. Read on to learn more about some of our current initiatives.
First Parish members are engaged citizens and activists, and we are involved with many different community organizations and projects. Read on to learn more about some of our current initiatives.
First Parish helps support Bristol Lodge, an organization in Waltham that provides shelter and food for those experiencing homelessness. We have a monthly commitment on the fourth Wednesday of the month to prepare and serve dinner. Anyone can join in on the cooking, serving, and helping.
The United States will welcome over 50,000 Afghans fleeing violence and persecution in their homeland. Local organizations are resettling Afghan families in the Greater Boston area, but many people arrive with no possessions or financial resources. First Parish hopes to offer our support for those people caught in this urgent and ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Our volunteer leaders are connecting with local organizations to find out where and how we can most be of service. We are starting to build a network of volunteers to offer support ranging from financial assistance and fundraising to tutoring to hands-on volunteering, meal delivery, and setting up apartments.
We are looking for volunteers at every level – Sign Up for Updates Now or click the link below to learn more.
Join us in reading “The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness.” What steps can we take and what decisions should we make to increase our chances of living a happy and fulfilled life?
Defending Democracy is a community-wide discussion group informed by the latest book by historian and author, Heather Cox Richardson, Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America.
As our country begins a new chapter, the need to learn about our history, make connections, share ideas, and defend the institutions of our democracy become crucially important.
First Parish has put out signs that say “Peace, Salaam, Shalom” and one that says “Stop the Attacks on Israel. Stop the Killing in Gaza.” The two messages call for understanding and peace during a time full of conflict and strong emotions. We avoid taking political sides; we remain firmly on the “side” of compassion and peace.
Learn more about why we put out the signs by clicking the link below.
First Parish is committed to being actively anti-racist and supporting the work of education, outreach, and advocacy in addressing and dismantling the painful racial prejudices in our world today.
We believe that Black Lives Matter.
First Parish is one of the founding sponsors of the MetroWest Climate Solutions group, a local partnership of organizations and congregations whose mission is to inspire sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities and host timely and relevant programs that encourage people and organizations to get involved in bringing about solutions.
We have always been welcoming and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, but we are proud to be officially certified with the U.U. Welcoming Congregation program! Through engaging with this program, we have improved our congregational life & policies, deepened our personal education, expanded our public outreach, and reinforced an ongoing commitment to advocacy.
Weston residents and members of First Parish Church in Weston created the Weston CARES Fund in April of 2020 to make a difference locally, thoughtfully, and immediately in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Though no longer accepting donations, the fund raised more than $200,000 and provided grants to local non-profit organizations and individuals, with priority given to programs assisting local residents confronting food and housing emergencies.
As a result of the difficult and tragic events around the country during the summer of 2020, our church has found our interest reinvigorated in racial justice and equality here in the United States. We were inspired to consider how we could make a difference, and we decided we wanted to work with local minority-run non-profit organizations. A small team worked with the Standing Committee to do extensive networking and research, and identified two organizations that we have decided to support: the Boston Teen Police Academy and No Books, No Ball.
Visit the link below to learn more about this grant initiative, to watch worship services at which Officer Daryl Owens (Founder and Director of the Boston Teen Police Academy) and Tony Richards (Founder and Executive Director of No Books No Ball) offered moving reflections, and read summaries about the organizations and our proposals.