Ten Days of Gratitude – DAY 3


We give thanks for work & service.

We give thanks for commitments that give our lives purpose and fulfillment. We give thanks for the hard work of attending school, child-rearing, volunteering, and caretaking. We give thanks for the ability to put food on the table and provide for our families. We give thanks for collaboration and collegiality, for friendly co-workers. We say that we earn a “living” when we work – the actions we take will shape the fabric of our lives and give us purpose for which we can be proud, no matter what kind of job we do. We give thanks for work that is real, needed, respected, and dignified. We give thanks for those whose work serves us every day, especially those whose jobs are overlooked and taken for granted. We give thanks for work & service.


What do you do every day that enhances your life?

What routines give your life structure that you appreciate?

What gives your life purpose and fulfillment?

Prepping supper for Bristol Lodge

Photo: Preparing food in our church kitchen – Volunteers help prepare our monthly meal for Bristol Lodge, a local soup kitchen.

Photo: a view of someone’s feet and a concrete floor – Rev. Sarah stands on a concrete floor that she helped pour while on a service trip to Guatemala.