Social Justice Task Force

First Parish is a service-oriented congregation and we are happy to roll up our sleeves (physically or metaphorically!) to help those in need. But we also recognize that, very frequently, the problems and suffering in the world are caused by greater systems of prejudice and injustice.

As people of faith, we are called to not only feed the hungry and clothe the poor, but we must also ask how we can live in one of the richest countries in the world where still over 15% of children under the age of eighteen live in poverty, where 1 in 6 children—12.5 million— live in households where they don’t know where they will get their next meal.

Our congregation currently has a Social Justice Task Force whose purpose is to assist the Minister with reviewing potential projects that support social justice, coordinate between congregational committees, and consider how First Parish can support and engage with relevant justice issues of our times.


Learn More About Our Current Projects

First Parish in Weston believes that Black Lives Matter.

We invite you to review our statement about “Why We Display a ‘Black Lives Matter’ Banner” and to join the dialogue about what it means to be actively anti-racist.

In addition to social justice work, there are many ways you can serve and connect with our community:

Get Involved at First Parish –Learn about committees, teams, and leadership.
Outreach & Community Service – Volunteer & support local outreach programs.
Congregational LifeParticipate in our “in-reach” programs and social events.
Public Programs for the Weston CommunitySpeaker series and family events.