Detail of church exterior showing stones and windows


Special Collection to benefit the Ukrainian relief organization, Razom

December 9, 2023

Our Share the Plate for December 10, 2023 is the Ukrainian relief organization Razom.

Razom means “together” in Ukrainian.  They are a humanitarian grassroots organization founded 9 years ago in Ukraine that has responded to the invasion by Russia in 2022.  They fund and implement outreach and relief projects in and around Ukraine.

58% of their funds in the last year have been used to set up desperately needed emergency treatment clinics in some of the hardest hit areas, and provide ongoing medical supplies and hygiene kits to communities that have lost everything.  In the last six months alone, Razom representatives have delivered critical medical supplies to 149 different hospitals serving tens of thousands of people.  They also refurbished 93 cars to operate as “ad hoc ambulances,” which transport wounded soldiers and civilians away from the battle field.

Another 28% of their donations have funded projects to set up communications and energy systems that have been destroyed around the country.  The need for temporary heating and electricity in areas that have been bombed and attacked is urgent and life-saving during the winter months.

8% of their funds have been spent simply providing emergency food and shelter to people who have been injured and displaced as a result of the war.  1% is spent on advocacy in Ukraine, Europe, and here in the United States, in an effort to remind the world of what has happened in Ukraine and the ongoing need they have for support.

Razom is now registered as a 501©3 organization here in the U.S. and has published an annual report detailing their finances and activities for the last 8 years.  They have developed an organized network of over 170,000 volunteers, raised over $81 million, and organized 20 different major initiatives around the country.  One of their more recent programs involves providing aid and assistance to the many Ukrainian children who have been orphaned or injured as a result of the war.

As is our longstanding practice on these Share the Plate Sundays, 50% of today’s collection will be shared directly with Razom.  If you would like to learn more about Razom and their work, we encourage you to go to:  We have placed information about them on our website as well.  Through their US office, you can donate via PayPal, Zelle, check or credit card.  You can even donate Bitcoin, if that appeals to you.

On this second Sunday of Advent when we hold up the yearning we have for peace in our lives and world, we thought it was fitting to remember an organization making a difference and coming to the aid of millions of suffering people during a time of war.

And on this All Music Sunday, we will pass our collection plate in reverent silence, keenly aware of the blessings we enjoy here in a place like Weston, including a stable society, a robust economy, and the lovely music being performed this morning.