Detail of church exterior showing stones and windows


Find Your Calm

In a time marked by uncertainty and instability, find your inner peace and deeper stillness.

Our weekly Morning Meditation group welcomes everyone — we meet Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am for guided meditation, quiet contemplation and restorative silence. No prior experience is required, and all are welcome to join us.

The weekly sessions start with a short lesson or reflection on mindfulness and finding meaning, followed by a guided meditation and a time of silence (appropriate for beginners as well as those with more experience).

We typically have anywhere from 9 to 25 people participating each week, and everyone is welcome to stay afterward for 5-10 minutes of informal discussion. We begin by 8:30 am and always finish by 9:15 am.

Muddy water set still.

Zoom Meeting ID: 8309 0765 817