Detail of church exterior showing stones and windows


Christmas 2020 at First Parish!

Join us for one of our services during this Christmas Season! Even if we are physically distanced this winter, the magic of Christmas cannot be extinguished.

December 24th – Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols Service

This year our Christmas Eve services will look quite different from past years, as one might expect. Here are the services First Parish is offering for Christmas Eve:


Starting at 2:00 pm

On Thursday, December 24th we will have our traditional Service of Lesson and Carols streaming online through Vimeo and YouTube.  The service will be readily accessible through the Online Worship page of our website.  The service will take place in our sanctuary with a guest harpist and choir members leading carols (including Silent Night & Joy to the World).


Outdoor Service with L.E.D. Candles at 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM

If you are comfortable with gathering outside and braving the weather, we will be holding short outdoor services in the upper driveway (near the breezeway entrance) at 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM as an optional “live” conclusion to the pre-recorded online program.  Reservations are required.  Each in-person service will be less than 30 minutes and will feature live music and the humming of Silent Night by (LED) candlelight.

Click here for full details  &  links to RSVP

Advanced Reservations Required!

December 27th – Storybook Sunday

Join us (virtually) for this special, laid-back worship service as we celebrate and hold up some of the amazing carols and stories of the season.  During this engaging service, we seek to “tell the story” behind the songs that we sing and the stories we share.  This year we are delighted to be “teaming up” and co-hosting this service with First Church in Chestnut Hill.

January 3rd – Epiphany

Ring in the new year with the arrival of the Three Magi at the stable where Jesus was born.   Join us (virtually) for the forgotten about “book-end” to the 12 Days of Christmas, The Feast of Epiphany.   There are many ways to follow a star in this life.