
Urgent! Community Wide Food Drive to help Bristol Lodge
January 6, 2023
The Bristol Lodge Food Pantry in Waltham is in urgent need of supplies, so we are sponsoring a community-wide food and funds drive. Spread the word.
The ONLY canned goods they need are canned chicken (no tuna!).
Other requested items include:
- pasta
- rice
- peanut butter
- jelly
- cereal
- spaghetti sauce
- boxed milk (no gallons)
- juice
- salad dressing
- toothpaste
- toilet paper
- paper towels
Donation bins for food products will be in the Breezeway and Church Street office vestibule (open 24/7).
Financial donations are most welcome, too; checks can be made out to First Parish of Weston with “Bristol Lodge Pantry” in the memo. You can send your donation in a number of ways: they can be mailed to First Parish (due to a recent rash of checks being stolen from mailboxes in our area, we encourage you to mail yours directly from the post office), put in the collection plate, or left in the office during office hours. Do not leave checks in the Church Street vestibule.
ALL proceeds will go to Bristol Lodge.
If you have additional questions please contact the church office by emailing Admin@FirstParishWeston.org or by phone at 781-893-7798.