Coming in May and June: First Parish Church “Al Fresco”

Join us this Sunday outside for church – in person – for real.

You did not read the last sentence incorrectly.   As the pandemic recedes (in this area) and our outlooks brighten, we have decided to move our services once again to the edge of the woods on Sunday mornings.  This will be first time we have held an outdoor service on Sunday since last October.

Our plan between now and the end of June is to gather outside when we can.  Each week we will post a lightly edited video recording of our service later on Sunday as well.

We have an engaging schedule of services planned for the next seven weeks and we hope you will join us when you can.  The real “Facetime” is not on an iPhone but rather in places like church, when we have the opportunity to greet one another and be part of this great community.

Here’s our lineup of services, all at 10:30 am on Sundays:

Sun, May 16 A Celebration of Springtime and Community

Sun, May 23 An Outdoor Communion Service with the trees and sky as our backdrop.  Even Emerson would approve!

Sun, May 30 Online service: featuring a meditation on Memorial Day based on John Meacham’s book, “The Soul of America.

Sun, June 6 Our Annual Church Picnic preceded by a service recognizing many of the folks who helped us over the last year.

This includes a special song by our choir!

Sun, Jun 13 Pride Sunday at First Parish followed by a Food Truck Fellowship Hour

Sun, June 20 Flower Communion Sunday – bring a flower to church.  Followed a Sundae Sunday Fellowship Hour !

This will be our last in person service before July.

Sun, June 27 Online service: The Sunday Worship Service at the UUA’s General Assembly

On any of these Sundays, if the weather is inclement, we will move to our sanctuary with full COVID precautions in place, including having doors open, the fans on, and sitting in “pods” with masks.

Here’s to enjoying some return to normalcy, cautiously but joyfully!

See you in church!
