On January 6th, 2022, First Parish participated in a nationwide "Vigil for Democracy" to remember the violent insurrection and deadly attack on the United States Capital exactly one year earlier, and to say: “In America, the voters decide the outcome of elections." People came out to hold signs and (electric) candles and make it known that we believe in keeping our nation a free, fair, and just democracy.
People gathering on the lawn in front of First Parish.First Parish had battery operated candles for everyone to hold, and even some signs if folks didn’t bring their own.Signs (“Protect Democracy” and “‘We the People’ means everyone.”) and candles were out on the table when people arrived.Rev. Jeff and Nancy P. helped hand out the signs.We thought about making signs that said “Dogs for Democracy”!First Parishioners hold signs saying “January 6th – a Day of Remembrance and Action”At First Parish, we always “Side With Love”!Signs advocating for us to “Protect Voting Rights” and the belief that we are “Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for All.”Church Street and Boston Post Road – the crossroads of our town and ground zero for democracy!Vigil attendees holding up signs.“We the People” means EVERYONE, indeed! Democracy protects the least of these, children among them.We waved at passing drivers and had a sign that said “Honk if you love the Constitution!”Vigil attendees hold up their signs – “Mob Rule is NOT Democracy”Organizer Nancy Piedra spoke in front of a large crowd on the lawn.Nancy speaking to the crowd.Rev. Jeff Barz Snell spoke to the crowd.Vigil attendees talking and holding signs.The crowd stayed through sunset.