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Race Amity Day 2024

  • Date: Sunday, June 9, 2024
  • Time: 4:00pm5:30pm
  • Location: Weston United Methodist Church, 377 North Avenue, Weston, MA 02493

Join us for Race Amity Day at the Weston United Methodist Church (377 North Avenue, Weston, MA) on Sunday, June 9th!

Read on for further details from the event organizers.

The National Center on Race Amity describes this event as “a tradition of collaboration and partnerships between races… It is a moral counterweight to the dominant tradition of racism and oppression, and it can move the public discourse on race from blame, and rejection to one of collaboration access and equity.” This year’s program will focus on homelessness among youth in the metropolitan Boston area by raising awareness and hope for the unhoused youth among us.

In the past three years of celebrating this day, the Weston-Wayland Race Amity Day Planning Committee shared culture, faith, music and traditions of multiple groups comprising our local communities. This years’ program will feature two dynamic speakers from the BayCash organization which serves urban youth who are homeless but reaches out to those who are unhoused outside the city limits and face these as well. The speakers, Matthew Aronson (Chair) and Shayla Fonfield (Project Director) state that, “thousands of young adults experience homelessness every year in Massachusetts leading to physical and emotional trauma, lost education, lost productivity and other consequences. The limited resources available to homeless young adults in the state are inflexible and slow to deploy which often lead to inadequate services to historically and systematically oppressed populations.”

An exciting, and joyful musical interlude will be provided by John Egan, an exceptionally talented violist. Several local helping agencies will join us as exhibitors in the hope that this collaboration bears fruit in concrete ways for the populations we are called to serve. Our mission is to educate, motivate and create awareness of the oneness of all our people.

This program is free and open to the public. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

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The National Center for Race Amity uses the cultivation of race amity as its key tool toward its end goal in advancing access, equity, social justice, and unity.

“Race relations in America will not substantially improve unless the public discourse on race moves beyond the blame-grievance-rejection framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity, and collaboration.” 

“Why Race Amity” – About the NCRA



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