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Prepping supper for Bristol Lodge

October Bristol Lodge Supper

  • Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022
  • Time: 1:30pm3:30pm
  • Location: First Parish Kitchen, 349 Boston Post Rd, Weston, MA 02493
  • Contact: Mary Menino, Facilitator

Our next Bristol Lodge supper will be on Wednesday, Oct. 26th. The menu has a fall cast to it: garlic-baked pork tenderloin, roasted baby potatoes with rosemary and garlic, easy-glazed carrots, pumpkin muffins, and apples. if you would like to volunteer to cook any part of the meal or help with preparations the afternoon of October 26th from 1:30 to 3:15, please contact Mary Menino (text message: 781-718-9464 or phone: 781-894-3165). In order to feed the 60 expected guests, we will need:

  • 5 recipes of the baked pork tenderloin
  • 5 recipes of the roasted baby potatoes
  • 3 recipes of pumpkin apple muffins
  • 6 recipes of glazed carrots
  • 60 apples

Click here to get copies of any of the four recipes for this month.
If anyone has any suggestions for recipes that we could feature (keeping in mind the mostly meat-and-potatoes and pasta crowd we serve), please send them on to Mary Menino (

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