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May Bristol Lodge Supper Preparation

  • Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021
  • Time: 1:00pm3:00pm
  • Location: First Parish Kitchen, 349 Boston Post Rd, Weston, MA 02493
  • Contact: Mary Menino, Facilitator

Our next dinner for Bristol Lodge will be on Wednesday, May 26th. The main entree will be a simple-to-make Italian Sausage, Pepper, Onion & Potato Casserole. The recipe suggests a stove-top preparation, but you could also grill the sausage and peppers. We also request contributions of green salads, cookies or bars and fruit (clementines, bananas or apples). If you can help provide food or help with preparations, please contact Mary Menino (mary.menino[at] or text 781-718-9464 or home phone 781-894-3165).

Pans and hard copies of the recipe will be available in the vestibule outside the Church Office (open any time) or you may click here for the recipe (

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