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Ladies Who Lunch

Ladies Who Lunch

  • Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021
  • Time: 12:00pm1:30pm
  • Location: FPCW Parish Hall and via Zoom

For years, the Senior Men have gathered together monthly at the church for conversation and fellowship with a bag lunch. Parish Administrator Betsy Gibson would like the women of the church to have a similar opportunity. So on Tuesday, Nov. 16th, at noon we’ll give it a try. To get things started, Betsy invites you to join her at our inaugural gathering of Ladies Who Lunch. She will bring a vegetarian soup to share. Feel free to bring a sandwich. Those attending can then talk about future dates and formats they would enjoy.

The current thought is to gather once a month on either a Tuesday or Wednesday (most available days for the Parish Hall where we can spread out a bit). Feedback from a sampling of some church women included how hard it can be for women to carve out some time to just reflect on things other than the never-ending “to do” lists we all have. To help with that, we’re thinking people could take turns bringing in a favorite poem or other short reading, an op-ed piece, meditation tidbit to think about, or even just share a wonderful or challenging experience with the goal of providing a starting point for conversation.

Please RSVP to Betsy by Friday, Nov. 12, so she knows how much soup to prepare and how many seats we’ll need set up in the Parish Hall.
A word to the wise – as we are working diligently to maintain a steady flow of fresh air throughout the main floor to keep air-borne germs/viruses away, sweaters are advised!


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