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September Family Service & Supper

  • Date: Sunday, September 19, 2021
  • Time: 5:00pm6:30pm
  • Are you and your family feeling worn out, or like you need to hit a “reset” button, even though the school year is just starting up?
  • Are you looking for ways to reconnect to your sense of wonder and hope? Are you looking for ways to cultivate that wonder in your children?
  • Do you want to experience deeper connections, not just talk about them?

First Parish invites you to find some rest, renewal, and joy at our new Family Service & Supper on Sunday, September 19th at 5:00 PM. Join us for an all-ages worship service followed by a simple meal of soup, bread, crackers, and cookies.

These monthly gatherings are intended for people of all ages and stages, as well as different backgrounds and traditions. The service lasts approximately 50 minutes and is followed by a short time for food and fellowship — arrive by 5:00 and you’ll be back on the road by 6:30 PM.

The services are filled with engaging music of different styles and eras— from jazz to hymns to pop music and musicals.  We include short readings, poems, and stories, as well as some time to share joys & sorrows, and quiet prayer and meditation. At each service, there is a reflection by the worship leader to explore big questions about making meaning of our lives and building connections with one another.

Our Family Services will be held on the third Sunday of the month throughout the fall – put it on your calendar now!

Upcoming Dates:

  • September 19th
  • October 17th
  • November 21st
  • December 19th

This month’s service features music by Steve Sussman, a professional pianist on the faculty of The Rivers School Conservatory.

This is a great and inspiring way for families and individuals to start their week off right. Come unplug at our Family Service & Supper and find your monthly “reset” — refresh your mind and renew your spirit.

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