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Sunday Service & Blessing of the Animals!

  • Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024
  • Time: 10:30am12:00pm

Animals of all kinds are some of the greatest wonders of creation, and we invite you to bring your beloved animals (or photos of them) to be blessed to worship on Sunday, September 29th for our annual Blessing of the Animals. We honor the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part and the ministry of Saint Francis of Assisi with this annual celebration.

All friendly, housebroken, and well-behaved animals are welcome! People are also encouraged to bring photos of beloved companions who have died and wait across the “Rainbow Bridge.” We have done this service both indoors AND outdoors (weather permitting), so be sure to check the website so you can dress appropriately. Worship format will be a little different, so stay tuned for any fur-ther details!

Join us in person or via Zoom for our Sunday morning worship services. Childcare for the very young, programming for elementary, middle, and high school students, and our Fellowship Hour after church are also important elements of our Sunday schedule.
Meeting ID: 9497 3561 172

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