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Zuchinni, ricotta & basil pasta

August Bristol Lodge Supper

  • Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2022
  • Time: 1:30pm3:30pm
  • Location: First Parish Kitchen, 349 Boston Post Rd, Weston, MA 02493
  • Contact: Mary Menino, Facilitator

First Parish is scheduled to serve dinner at Bristol Lodge next on Wednesday, August 24th. In planning a menu, Mary Menino is mindful that we could again be in the midst of a heat wave, so she has planned a meal with no oven time and featuring local produce: a pasta dish with zucchini, ricotta and basil, green beans, and cookies/bars, and ham (she will purchase). Any gardeners? She would love to offer tomatoes if you would donate your surpluses. As we have done for the past several years, we will be passing out gift cards that allow diners to get a dish or cone of ice cream at Lizzie’s. If you can contribute food or help with preparations at First Parish from 1:30 to 3:00 on August 24th, please contact Mary.

Click here for pasta recipe

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