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Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

  • Date: Sunday, March 31, 2024
  • Time: 11:45am12:30pm
  • Location: First Parish Playground, 349 Boston Post Rd, Weston, MA 02493

This event is OPEN to the public – First Parish invites neighbors, friends, and Weston residents to join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. All are welcome!

Come one, come all! Chocolate, candy, and treasure hunters of every age and ability are invited to join us for a traditional Easter egg hunt.

When the dewdrops appear on Easter morning, dozens upon dozens of eggs mysteriously emerge with them, tucked into corners of our playground and hidden under toys and tables… We need your help to track them all down! There will be eggs scattered throughout the fenced-in portion of the First Parish playground behind the building for folks to discover and enjoy.

You are warmly invited to our Easter service beforehand at 10:30 AM, but you do not have to attend worship to participate in the egg hunt.

For more information about our Easter Egg hunt, or any of our children’s & family programs, contact Sarah Napoline, our Assistant Minister for Families & Community Outreach.

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Frequently Asked Questions


There is NO COST for our egg hunt and NO pre-registration.

It is free and open to the public!


The egg hunt will not begin until after our worship service concludes.

  • The earliest we will start is 11:45 AM, but we may start later depending on the length of our Easter service.
  • …However, once it begins, the eggs won’t last long! You don’t need to get here early, but we do suggest that you arrive before 11:45 AM.
  • We have blocked off an area near the entrance to the playground where families can wait if needed.

Parents and children must be respectful of other participants.

  • We ask that parents remain OUTSIDE the playground (along the fence) unless a child requires literal hand-holding.
  • We expect parents to advise their children about how to behave and set a good example by being generous and considerate. Our goal is to make sure everyone enjoys themselves! Please help us ensure that all children are able to find at least a few hidden eggs.

We will have a separate hunt for children preschool age and younger.

Children participating in our church school program will be given priority admittance to the playground.



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