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Co-Sponsors – Race Amity Festival on the Town Green

  • Date: Sunday, June 12, 2022
  • Time: 6:00pm7:30pm

First Parish is happy to be one of the co-sponsors of the Race Amity Festival on the Weston Town Green on Sunday, June 12th.

This hope-filled evening will include diverse, artistic and cultural presentations, music, and speakers.  The Keynote Speaker will be Mr. Roland Gibson, whose lifetime service to advance social justice includes, among other noteworthy achievements, the development of the Weston-METCO program as a model for voluntary school desegregation.

Click here for more about this year’s festival

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The National Center for Race Amity uses the cultivation of race amity as its key tool toward its end goal in advancing access, equity, social justice, and unity.

“Race relations in America will not substantially improve unless the public discourse on race moves beyond the blame-grievance-rejection framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity, and collaboration.” 

“Why Race Amity” – About the NCRA

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