We give thanks for home & family.

We give thanks for the places we call home and those who gather there. We give thanks for family – those we create as well as those we are born into.

We give thanks for parents and parent figures; people who love, nurture, mentor, encourage, and guide us as we grow and develop. We give thanks for grandparents and grandparent figures; people of earlier generations whose wisdom and life experience we can learn from, and whose love and affection warms our hearts. We give thanks for siblings and cousins, people who are our peers and companions, who journey with us along life stages and confront similar joys and challenges.

We give thanks for places of sanctuary and security, of comfort and relaxation. We give thanks for places of belonging. We give thanks for places where we feel our soul comes alive, where we connect with our true selves. We give thanks for homes that we find in all kinds of places – houses, dormitories, churches, nature. We give thanks for the people who create that sense of belonging– the people we call family. May the memories we create in all the places we call home be life-giving and bring us to deep gratitude for life itself.


Where do you truly feel at home?

What places (if any) feel like home that aren’t your house?

Who or what provides you with daily comfort?



Our nursery space – a home for our littlest members on Sunday mornings.

Pull up a chair –  we hope you feel like you are home in our community.

Everyone is welcome and loved at First Parish.

Mary, the Blessed Mother holding baby Jesus – art by by Tomie DePaola