We give thanks for nature and the interconnected web of all creation.

We give thanks for our planet, the home we all share, and the only home we have. We give thanks for plants, rocks, trees, soil, water, air. We give thanks for agriculture, for food and nourishment we receive from the ground and the natural world. We give thanks for wild animals and their natural ecosystem, from the bugs and worms to the wolf and the eagle. We give thanks for our pets, those beautiful souls who teach us to love and be loved, who remind us to be in the present moment, and who show us how to be joyful. We give thanks for advocates and activists fighting to save and care for our planet, those prophetic voices who recognize the impact we have and the power of nature. We give thanks for the storm, the stars, the whirlwind, and the great mystery of the cosmos. We are surrounded by the wonder and magic of creation, that which is bigger than we can truly understand. We give thanks for nature and all its abundant gifts. May we learn to never, ever take it for granted.


Go outside. Slow down. Breathe. What do you experience? What do you see, smell, hear?

What gifts does the natural world offer you today?

Our pets truly are part of our families; how have they brought joy and love into your life?

Even if you’re not “outdoorsy”, you are still surrounded by nature; it is part of your life, even if it’s just in the food you eat. What do you enjoy or appreciate about nature?

Sun shining through the trees in Weston’s beautiful woodlands.

A daffodil sways on a bright spring morning.

“Star-Forming Region LH 95” as photographed by the Hubble Telescope

Bonnie Foote greets Rev. Jeff for Blessing of the Animals.

Outrageously pink flowers on a stone wall.