Ten Days of Gratitude – DAY 1


We give thanks for faith & spirituality.

At First Parish, we are grateful for our spiritual community and religious traditions to give us guidance and support along our individual path of faith. Even those of us without connections to a religious tradition experience moments of awe, wonder, and transcendence. We feel a sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves. Consciously connecting to those feelings, being curious about spiritual practices, forging deep human relationships, and making meaning within and through our lives are all part of the spiritual path.

We give thanks for our individual journey and for the fellow pilgrims and companions we have found along the way. We give thanks for the religious communities in Weston, for interfaith collaboration, and for all people of faith who strive to make the world a better, more loving, more peaceful place.

We are grateful for the many blessings and gifts of faith and spirituality.


Where do YOU feel connected to something bigger than yourself?

What does faith mean to you?

Find a visual representation of your relationship with faith or spirituality.